Chirping Mania Red Anis

anis merahChirping Mania Red Anis is one that is very much the belle bird fans. Red Anis care is actually quite easy , if we have to know and understand the basic characters of the bird .


( Read: burung anis merah juara )

1 . Highly sensitive and takes time to be able to adapt to change . Rough treatment , changes ornaments on the cage and drastic changes in the atmosphere , would make a Red Anis birds can be stressful .

2 . Pembosan and always need new atmosphere . If being in a place with a relatively long time , then it becomes lazy bird to chirp again . Try to always move on a regular basis gantangannya place . For example : During this digantang in front of the house , then digantang beside the house . It is one of the mysteries of the bird .

3 . Sexual arousal which tend to rise . Red Bird Anis very easy ride lust , many causes that can make lust rise in this type of bird . Dress EF ( Extra Fooding ) excessive ( over) , excessive drying and see the Red Anis other birds , can quickly raise the level of lust .

4 . Highly spoiled . Almost the average bird Red Anis will not sound and will not want to get high when he sees people everyday take care of him . Because the bird was considered psychologically nurse or owner as a couple. Strange indeed , but that’s the reality . Usually during the contest or race on the Red Anis class bird , bird quart jockey and jockey field is a person who has never been associated or involved in the daily care of the bird .

5 . Easy tame . Due to the nature of spoiled high , it is easy to tame birds to nurse or owners.


Voer ( preferably choose the yield proteins were as follows: 12 % -18 % , not necessarily high-priced voer will match the metabolic system of each bird Red Anis . Voer should always be available in cepuknya . Voer Always replace with a new one every two days .

Fresh fruit , these birds really like papaya fruit , White Kepok Bananas , Apples , Pears , Tomatoes and some other fruits . Should multiply the administration of papaya fruit , papaya fruit because it contains a high vitamin C thereby helping to increase endurance . In addition, papaya fruit is very easy to digest and are very compatible with the metabolic system of the average fruit-eating birds .

( Read: suara anis merah )

EF ( Extra Fooding ) , an excellent feed supplement for Red Anis birds are: Crickets , Orong – orong , Kroto , Worms , Caterpillars Hong Kong , Bamboo caterpillars , centipedes , grasshoppers and others . EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird and should also ascertain the impact of the gift clause of the EF .

About aingindra

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