Satria Bird Market Denpasar

Harga burung

Satria Market located at Jalan Veteran Denpasar . This market is famous as bird market , this market over the development period is now not only birds , but also market there are many different types of pets that can be found here , such as chickens , rabbits , dogs , fish etc. .

( Read:harga burung berkicau )

In Satria Bird Market is more dominant in the sale are birds , there are many different species of birds on offer both from the usual bird -counter to endangered birds such as ; Dara bird , bird Muray , Cicak Rowo bird , starling bird , bird Turtledove , Anis birds , robins , parrots, canaries , parakeet , parrot and various other birds . Market price of the bird in the Satria Market prices range from tens of thousands up to millions of dollars depending on the in love .Harga Burung Kenari

Also in this Satria Bird Market stalls are also special stalls selling a wide range of information about animal needs and piararan . Ranging from food , cage / cage , books , magazines , tabloids up until the other animal knickknacks contained herein .

For public facilities Satria Bird Market is also quite adequate , there are toilets , a large parking area and do not forget to also stalls vending snacks that can be found here .

Access to this place is also very easy because of the Satria Bird Market near Bellows Field Badung , or about 500 meters to the north . Mileage when using a motor vehicle takes about 60 minutes drive , 15 km from Denpasar Bali Ngurah Rai Airport .

( Read:harga burung kicauan )

Satria Bird Market is open every day , from 8 am until 5 pm . When your pet bird lovers and it would not hurt to come and see the diversity of fauna in the Satria Bird Market , as well as all materials stories or share experiences with friends and grandchildren later .

About aingindra

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